====== Ubuntu on Eee PC 901 ====== I used the following guide: [[http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/09/01/installing-ubuntu-804-on-the-eee-pc-901/|Tombuntu.com]] Remember to get the costume [[http://www.array.org/ubuntu/setup901.html|Eee kernel]] To get hotkeys working in **8.10** install [[http://greg.geekmind.org/eee-control/|eee-control]] apt-get install eee-control ===== Keyring / nm-applet ===== If u change your login password you will get an annoying message from nm-applet when your connect your WLAN about a keyring password which is your old login password. rm .gnome2/keyrings/login.keyring will delete your current keyring and after ''reboot'' it will promt your for at new keyring password. Now enter your current login password and your done :-) ===== WEP crack ===== Brug denne [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=528276|guide]] Evt. med support fra [[http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=newbie_guide|Aircrack-ng wiki]] ===== Web cam streaming ===== Endelig virker det! På serveren: - Åben vlc - Vælg Media->Streaming - Vælg Capture Device og skrive /dev/video0 (stien til kameraet) - Klik "Stream" - Vælg RTP som protokol og skrive dest. IP og port (port 1234 har jeg haft problemer med så vælg f.eks. 8888) - Vælg H264 som Profile - Klik "Stream" Nu skulle der gerne stå "Streaming" i vlc og tiden kører. På dest. PC'en: - Åben vlc - Vælg Media->Open Network - Åben RTP port 8888 rtp://@:8888 Så skulle de gerne køre (dog med et par sekunders delay) ===== Rapidshare Download Management ===== Brug denne [[http://ubuntudanmark.dk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=3075&p=17006|Guide]] ===== Enable search bash history ===== Uncomment the following lines in /etc/inputrc: # alternate mappings for "page up" and "page down" to search the history "\e[5~": history-search-backward "\e[6~": history-search-forward